
Promotion or promotion is a transfer that increases the authority and responsibility of employees to higher positions within the organization so that the obligations, both status and income are greater. Almost all employees want to get a promotion. This research discusses finding the best solution to help take the decision to increase employee positions at PT. Prudential uses the Analitycal Hierarchy Process method to help determine the preferred priorities of various alternatives. This method was chosen because it is able to select the best candidates from a number of existing employees to occupy available positions based on predetermined criteria. Research is conducted by looking for weight values for each attribute, such as examples are aspects of intellectual capacity, aspects of work attitudes, and behavioral aspects, then carried out a perankingan process that will determine the optimal alternative, namely the promotion of employee positions. As a result of the application of the AHP method in this study, the value of the determination of the promotion of employee promotion 0 - 6 was declared unfit to be promoted and if the value is greater than 6, then the employee is declared worthy to be promoted to his position.


  • ABSTRAK Kenaikan jabatan atau promosi jabatan adalah perpindahan yang memperbesar wewenang dan tanggung jawab karyawan ke jabatan yang lebih tinggi di dalam organisasi sehingga kewajiban, baik status dan penghasilannya semakin besar

  • Prudential uses the Analitycal Hierarchy Process method to help determine the preferred priorities of various alternatives. This method was chosen because it is able to select the best candidates from a number of existing employees to occupy available positions based on predetermined criteria

  • Research is conducted by looking for weight values for each attribute, such as examples are aspects of intellectual capacity, aspects of work attitudes, and behavioral aspects, carried out a perankingan process that will determine the optimal alternative, namely the promotion of employee positions

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Keputusan salah satunya adalah Analitycal Hierarchy

Berdasarkan latar belakang yang telah persyaratan apa saja yang diperlukan dalam sebuah diuraikan, maka tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah pekerjaan serta personel yang dibutuhkan dalam suatu mengetahui proses kenaikan jabatan karyawan, pekerjaan sehingga sumber daya manusia yang dipilih membangun sistem pendukung keputusan kenaikan mampu melaksanakan pekerjaan itu dengan baik. Kenaikan jabatan karyawan dalam suatu pengambilan keputusan semi terstruktur dan tidak organisasi ataupun instansi baik dalam pemerintahan terstruktur. Metode Analytic Hierarchy Process adalah metode keputusan multikriteria (AHP) untuk yang lebih tinggi di dalam organisasi sehingga kewajiban, baik status dan penghasilannya semakin besar. Akan dipecahkan dan kemudian membangun urutan prioritas untuk alternative melalui perbandingan berpasangan alternative yang ada berdasarkan penilaian dari pembuat keputusan terhadap sistem. Sistem Pendukung Keputusan dapat memberikan perbandingan berpasangan disintesis untuk alternatif solusi bila seseorang atau sekelompok orang memperoleh keseluruhan prioritas.

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