
Balinese language learning is found difficult by students, its application is only temporary or not used daily, with Bali Governor Regulation Number 80 of 2018 concerning the use of Balinese script, and literature, and the implementation of Balinese language months, every Thursday, full moon, tilem, and Hindu holidays are used in the Balinese language. Bali and Balinese traditional clothing with the governor regulation, Balinese language will be increasingly in demand and known by the general public, limited study time, causing the teaching of Balinese to be less than optimal, Balinese language instructors in every village in Bali can anticipate any delays or lack of material provided by educators at school, the lack of learning media causes a lack of student interest in participating in Balinese language learning, supported by Balinese script media cards. Seririt, Buleleng Regency. The object of this study was the Balinese language instructor, who carried out Balinese Language Study Groups at SD Negeri 1 Pengastulan and SD Negeri 3 Pengastulan, twenty four students from Grades 4 to 6. The formulation of the problem raised in this study, namely (1) How is the implementation of the Balinese script card media in the Balinese language study group in Pengastulan Village?, (2) What constraints are encountered when implementing the Balinese character card media in the Balinese language study group?, (3) What efforts have been made to improve the ability to write Balinese script through the media of Balinese script cards for students in the Balinese language study group?
 The data of this study were analyzed using theories that were relevant and related to this research, such as the implementation of Balinese script card media analyzed by Communication Theory. The second and third discussion, namely the obstacles encountered when implementing the Balinese script card media and the efforts made in improving the ability to write Balinese script are analyzed with Value Theory. The method used in this study is qualitative in the form of percentages displayed in tabular form, Balinese script cards to facilitate learning Balinese. In collecting data, diaries, free interview guidelines, and observation guidelines were used.
 The results of this study can be shown as follows. Implementation of Balinese Script Card Media in Balinese Language Study Groups was obtained from the results of coordination and interviews with several figures, parents of students, and other supporting figures, who did support the course of research in the field, which later made the research results more optimal and the data obtained was in accordance with that's in the field. Obstacles encountered when implementing the Balinese script card media will certainly exist, but with these obstacles, researchers must find efforts to be made, to improve the ability to write Balinese script, through the media of the Balinese Script Card for Balinese Language Study Group students, which will later achieve learning effective Balinese.

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