
In the approach of Islamic law, Maslahah mursalah is a proposition to establish a new problem that has not been explicitly mentioned in the main sources, the Qur’an and As-Sunnah, both accepted and rejected. Maslahah mursalah as an option for this legal proposition begins with the Passed away of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. Along with this happened, the revelation of the Qur’an has stopped coming down, and the words of the Prophet have stopped too. Meanwhile, problems continue to develop from time to time along with the development of the community itself. This is where the idea of Maslahah mursalah emerges as an option for the proposition of Islamic law. Please note, in the application, Maslahah mursalah is based on benefit. Looking at the main basis of this argument, understanding and knowing about the theory of benefit becomes a necessity in the use of maslahah as a proposition of Islamic law. Maslahah is a concept that departs from the main purpose of Islamic law, known as maqashid as-sharia. According to Imam As-Syatibi, the main orientation of maqashid as-sharia is to provide protection and protection against five things, namely religion, self, lineage, reason, and wealth. These five aspects are very fundamental things in life, so that damage to one aspect alone will cause extraordinary negative implications. Thus, maslahah is the main consideration in evaluating the value of benefits and harm from a problem that has just emerged in people’s lives. An order to assess benefits and madharat, then weigh which one is greater, the benefits or the madharat (damage).
 Keywords: Maslahah mursalah, law alternative, Islamic law


  • In the approach of Islamic law, Maslahah mursalah is a proposition to establish a new problem that has not been explicitly mentioned in the main sources, the Qur’an and As-Sunnah, both accepted and rejected

  • Maslahah mursalah as an option for this legal proposition begins with the Passed away of the Prophet Muhammad SAW

  • Problems continue to develop from time to time along with the development of the community itself. This is where the idea of Maslahah mursalah emerges as an option for the proposition of Islamic law

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Penetapan Syarat Maslahah mursalah Bisa Jadi Pijakan Hukum Islam

Dalam setiap pengambilan suatu hukum, penetapan suatu syarat menjadi sesuatu yang niscaya agar dalam pengambilan suatu hukum bisa sesuai dengan spirit yang diharapkan. Sedangkan menurut ulama Hanafiyah, untuk menjadikan Maslahah mursalah sebagai dalil disyaratkan maslahah tersebut berpengaruh terhadap hukum. Karenanya motivasi hukum terhadap dinding dapat dianalogikan dengan motivasi hukum dalam jual beli di atas.[17] Dengan demikian, menurut Hanafiyah, menghilangkan kemudaratan termasuk dalam konsep maslahah mursalah dan dapat dijadikan sebagai salah satu metode penetapan hukum dengan syarat sifat kemaslahatan itu terdapat dalam nash atau ijma’ dan jenis kemaslahatan itu sama dengan jenis sifat yang didukung oleh nash atau ijma’ dan ulama Malikiyah menerima Maslahah mursalah sebagai dalil menetapkan hukum. Akan tetapi jika kenaikan tersebut bukan disebabkan excess demand tetapi karena ulah pedagang itu sendiri maka ulama Malikiyah membolehkan pemerintah turut campur dalam penetapan harga dengan pertimbangan ”kemaslahatan” konsumen. Sedangkan untuk menjadikan Maslahah mursalah sebagai dalil penetapan hukum, ulama Hanafiyah menetapkan persyaratan yaitu: 1. Ruang Lingkup Maslahah Mursalah Dalam pengambilan hukum melalui Maslahah mursalah, selain yang berlandaskan pada hukum syara’ secara umum, juga harus diperhatikan adat dan hubungan antara satu manusia dengan yang lainnya, dengan kata lain Maslahah mursalah hanya meliputi kemaslahatan yang berhubungan dengan muamalah. 20

Sedangkan masalah ibadah bukanlah termasuk dalam lapangan
Ulama sepakat untuk menolak menggunakan maslahat mulgat
Maslahah mursalah dan Penerapannya dalam Menyikapi Problematika Umat
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