
The principle of buying and selling allows the distribution of funds through istishna, murabaha, or salam contracts. Murabahah is a popular method used in the economic activities of cattle breeders in Jabung (buying and selling). However, this type of financing still has potential risks. Therefore, risk management is a necessary stage to anticipate all possibilities that may arise. A case-study qualitative approach was adopted in this study. The primary data to be used is in the form of field documentation, interviews, and direct observation. BMT, AO, and SPV managers were the main interview respondents. The stages in this study consisted of data reduction and drawing conclusions. As for the validity of the data, the source triangulation technique was used. The results of the study found that there was murabahah bil wakalah financing in the activity of buying and selling livestock products (cattle) in Jabung. The financing begins with a murabaha contract and ends with a wakalah contract. However, this process is not in line with the Fatwa of the Sharia Council regarding murabahah bil wakalah. In addition, the management process assisted by BMT al-Hijrah includes planning, implementation, monitoring, and controlling. In addition, risk management includes risk management efforts during the murabahah bil wakalah financing process. The process includes risk identification, which is then handled by way of risk allocation to other parties through external cooperation.

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