
This research was aimed to find out; 1) to know implementation of madrasah basedmanagement, 2) impact of implemntation of madrasah based management, 3) supportand handicap factor of madrasah based management implementation in MTs ArRisalah Kepil Wonosobo. This research used a qualitative approach because qualitativeresearch try to describe a reality with the suitable fact. Subject of research such asheadmaster, teacher, school commitee, student and the stakeholders. Technique of datacollection used observation, interview, and study of document. And the data analysisused the interactive analysis of miles and huberman. Result of research showed thatimplementation of madrasah based management included management of curricullumand teaching, management of educator and education staff, management of financing andbudgeting, and management of social realtionship. Impact of school based managementimplemntation influenced toward proccess of teaching learning activities, policy of theheadmaster of MTs Ar Risalah became a starting point in determining a progress ofinstitution. Factor of support in Madrasah based management implementation such ascentral role of headmaster in making policy that corelated with learning, educational staff,infratsructure, role of school commitee and participation of society. Then the handicapfactor as below the weak of managerial skill, minimum of infrastructure and unsuitableof educator competence

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