
The cause of diarrhea in infants and children is different from adults. In children, it is usually caused by a virus, whereas in adults it is caused by bacteria. Diarrhea in adults can be triggered by several factors, for example due to wrong eating, impaired digestion of food, the influence of drugs and due to psychiatric conditions whereas in infants can be infected if, swallowing these germs when passing through the birth canal is affected by germs or when touched by a hand germic. Children are also easily infected by germs because they often put their dirty hands and toys into their mouths. This research is a quantitative study in which the dependent variable data collection is done once at a time. The population in this study were all mothers of children under five in Talang Cempedak Village, Jejawi District, Ogan Komering Ilir Regency in 2019. The sample in this study were all toddler mothers in Talang Cempedak Village, Jejawi District, Ogan Komering Ilir Regency in 2019 by 18 people using total sampling technique. The results of this study from 18 respondents showed that 10 respondents amounted to 55.6% poor mother of toddler knowledge, as well as the behavior of 9 mothers of toddlers 50.0% bad and 50.0% good, and environmental sanitation in Talang Cempedak Village as many as 55.6 bad%. The action in order to increase the movement to prevent diarrhea response in infants, such as counseling about diarrhea by health workers is needed so that the incidence of diarrhea can be prevented. Keywords: Diarrhea, Ogan Komering Ilir, Jejari, Counseling


  • Karakteristik IbuDari tabel 1 diatas diketahui bahwa terdapat lebih banyak ibu yang berumur dibawah 35 tahun sebanyak 61,1%, dengan pendidikan terakhir paling banyak tamat SD sebanyak 61,1%, dan mayoritas merupakan ibu rumah tangga dengan persentase sebanyak 77,8%

  • Diarrhea disease is still a health problem in developing countries such as Indonesia

  • The prevalences of diarrhea in Indonesia at the age of 0-11 months (9%), 12-23 months (15%), 24-35 months (12.8%), 36-47 months (10.2%), and 48-59 months (8%), while diarrhea prevalences among children under five in South Sumatra Province reached 10.1%, especially in Ogan Komering Ilir Regency at 11.35%

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Karakteristik Ibu

Dari tabel 1 diatas diketahui bahwa terdapat lebih banyak ibu yang berumur dibawah 35 tahun sebanyak 61,1%, dengan pendidikan terakhir paling banyak tamat SD sebanyak 61,1%, dan mayoritas merupakan ibu rumah tangga dengan persentase sebanyak 77,8%. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian pada responden ibu balita di Desa Talang Cempedak Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ilir menyatakan bahwa 9 responden (50,0 %) memiliki sanitasi lingkungan yang buruk dalam mendukung gerakan tanggap diare karena air bersih yang digunakan untuk keperluan sehari-hari masih sangat kurang, karena kebanyakan masyarakat mengambil air bersih dari sumber air di sungai yang memiliki bau, warna, serta rasa asam. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa ibu dari balita di Kecamatan Jejawi, Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ilir, Sumatera Selatan masih memiliki pengetahuan tanggap diare yang buruk dengan mayoritas pendidikan terakhir adalah SD, memiliki perilaku buruk untuk mengimplementasikan gerakan tanggap diare karena majoritas responden belum pernah mendapatkan informasi mengenai diare dari tenaga kesehatan dan memiliki sanitasi lingkungan yang buruk dalam mendukung gerakan tanggap diare karena kualitas fisik air bersih di sungai mengindikasikan adanya bau, warna, serta rasa asam, masyarakat tidak memiliki jamban pribadi sehingga belum dapat mendukung untuk gerakan tanggap diare.

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