
Water was one resource that has a very important function for life and human life. River was the main channel as water flowing from upstream to downstream, has many domestic and industrial activity along the stream. The flow dynamics lead to changes in the quality and quantity of the river significantly. Water quality was maintained by analyzing the quality of the river water. Decision Support System (DSS) was a system designed to simplify the determination of water quality officer in making decisions. Inputs are parameter water quality test that consists of physical parameters and chemical parameters.The process of water quality analysis was conducted using Fuzzy Inference System Tsukamoto method. Fuzzy tsukamoto method used to determine the water quality of the river into four (4) classes which meet quality standards (good condition), lightly polluted, contaminated medium, and heavy polluted. The results of tested scenarios obtained an accuracy rate between the results of the calculation method of Fuzzy Tsukamoto with the calculated water quality STORET method at 90%.


  • Water was one resource that has a very important function for life and human life

  • River was the main channel as water flowing from upstream

  • The flow dynamics lead to changes in the quality and quantity

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Sungai merupakan suatu wadah mengalirnya sumberdaya air secara gravitasi dari hulu ke hilir. Pada penelitian tersebut diteliti status mutu air sungai di waduk sutami dengan metode STORET menggunakan 9(sembilan) parameter yang terdiri dari BOD, COD, DO, TSS, pH, Amonia (NH3_N), fenol, minyak dan lemak, dan sianida (CN). Status mutu air dibagi menjadi empat kriteria yaitu memenuhi baku mutu (kondisi baik), tercemar ringan, tercemar sedang, dan tercemar berat. Berdasarkan paparan yang telah dijelaskan, penulis mengusulkan penelitian yang berjudul “Implementasi Fuzzy Inference System(Fis) Metode Tsukamoto Pada Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Penentuan Kualitas Air Sungai”. Untuk menentuan kualitas air sungai menggunakan 7 (tujuh) parameter terdiri dari residu tersuspensi (TSS), BOD, COD, DO, pH, Fenol, serta Minyak dan Lemak. Metode Fuzzy Tsukamoto digunakan untuk menentukan kualitas air sungai kedalam empat kelas yaitu memenuhi baku mutu (kondisi baik), tercemar ringan, tercemar sedang, dan tercemar berat

13 Grafik Laporan Kulitas Air
Pengujian Akurasi dengan 7 Parameter
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