
 The emergence of unpleasant assumptions about Islamic religious education, such as Islam is taught more on memorization that must be practiced. So the problem that is often encountered in teaching, especially teaching Islam is how to present material to students well so that the results are effective and efficient. In order for the learning of Islamic religious education (pendidikan agama Islam/PAI) on the material of the names of the books of God to be embedded in students well, then many concepts of active learning models are offered. One of them is by implementing a cooperative learning model through the crossword puzzle strategy that is expected to increase students' learning motivation. By involving them actively in the learning process, students will experience or even discover science independently. The purpose of this study was to describe the implementation of cooperative learning through the crossword puzzle strategy in increasing learning motivation in the Grade 5 PAI Subjects of Jombatan 1 Elementary School in Jombang Regency. The research method used is action research. In collecting data, the author uses the observation method, checklist, and participatory methods. The results of the study show that the implementation of cooperative learning through crossword puzzle strategies is effective in increasing the motivation to learn PAI subjects. This can be seen from the enthusiasm of students in working on group puzzles in PAI learning about the names of God's books. And learning that had been stiff and boring had become more alive because educators directly involved students in learning, not only listening, seeing and working on the questions given. Having been well implemented and in accordance with existing learning concepts, this could also be seen from the preparation, implementation (an application) and evaluation carried out in well-designed teaching and learning activities.


  • The emergence of unpleasant assumptions about Islamic religious education, such as Islam is taught more on memorization that must be practiced

  • In order for the learning of Islamic religious education on the material of the names of the books of God to be embedded in students well, many concepts of active learning models are offered

  • One of them is by implementing a cooperative learning model through the crossword puzzle strategy that is expected to increase students' learning motivation

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Tingkah Laku Guru

Pendidik menyampaikan semua tujuan pelajaran yang ingin dicapai pada pelajaran tersebut dan memotivasi peserta didik belajar. Crossword puzzle merupakan permainan yang dapat digunakan sebagai strategi pembelajaran yang baik dan menyenangkan tanpa kehilangan esensi belajar yang sedang berlangsung, bahkan dapat melibatkan partisipasi peserta didik secara aktif sejak awal (Hisyam dkk, 2002:68). Maka agar pembelajaran dapat berjalan efektif, dengan mengkombinasikan model cooperative learning dengan strategi crossword puzzle (teka-teki silang), untuk meningkatkan motivasi peserta didik dalam mengikuti pelajaran tanpa mengesampingkan tercapainya tujuan pembelajaran, Dalam mata pelajaran PAI mataeri nama-nama kitab Allah, merupakan materi pelajaran yang diberikan pada peserta didik untuk mengenalkan kitab-kitab Allan dan menanamkan nilai-nilai yang terkandung dalam peristiwa sejarah yang sangat penting untuk benar-benar difahami. Dalam strategi crossword puzzle ini lebih banyak melibatkan aktifitas peserta didik dan pendidik hanya sebagai fasilitator dalam proses belajar mengajar. Dengan strategi crossword puzzle ini maka pembelajaran mataeri namanama kitab Allah lebih bermakna dan mudah dipahami oleh peserta didik

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