
A person with a disability is someone who has physical or mental limitations that can interfere and is an obstacle for him to carry out normal daily activities. People with special needs (disabilities) are people who live with special characteristics and have differences with people in general. This study aims to classify areas of people with disabilities based on districts. In this study using data mining techniques with the k-Means clustering method. The k-means method is a clustering method that functions to break the dataset into groups. The data source of this research was obtained from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of Simalungun Regency. Data entered is data on the number of persons with disabilities in 2008-2017 consisting of 31 sub-districts divided into 3 clusters: high, medium and low clusters. From the k-means calculation results, 8 sub-districts as high clusters were obtained, 15 sub-districts as medium clusters and 8 sub-districts as low clusters. The implementation process using the RapidMiner 5.3 application is used to help find accurate values.

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