
Cluster analysis is a multivariate analysis technique that aims to cluster the observational data or variables into clusters in such a way that each cluster is homogeneous according to the factors used for clustering. This study used the Centroid linkage algorithm that was useful for forming groups based on the distance between centroids and the K-Medoids algorithm that was based on the use of the most centered object (medoid) to group districts/cities and obtained comparison results based on the education indicator data in South Sulawesi. The implementation of the Centroid Linkage Algorithm and K-Medoids on the education indicator data in South Sulawesi in 2018, showed that the grouping of districts/cities in South Sulawesi produced 2 clusters with cluster 1 of 21 districts/cities, and cluster 2 of 3. To determine the best method, it was seen from the value of the Standard Deviation ratio in the cluster 〖(S〗_W) and Standard Deviation between Clusters 〖(S〗_B) showed the same standard deviation ratio (S) in the Centroid Linkage algorithm and K-Medoids that was equal to 104,967.

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