
The dynamics of village level administration has been going on for a long time, of course there is something interesting to be addressed that is the process of integration of the mechanism of government implementation and its authority in organizing public services. The administration of public services, especially in the control of migrant populations, is needed to anticipate social and psychological impacts such as criminal acts, public order disturbances both with regard to local authorities and customs. Starting from the background with how the implementation of village administration in the control of the migrant population then as a material review and consideration of decision-making control of the immigrant population in Dangin Puri Kaja village required a control strategy of the migrant population. The problems raised in this research is how the implementation of village administration in controlling the immigrant population in Dangin Puri Kaja Village, North Denpasar District. The population in this study the authors use the entire population of immigrants in the work area of Dangin Puri Kaja Village is estimated to amount to 505 people, while to determine the sample authors use the model of Accidental / Incidental sampling or convenience sampling. The collected data is processed using qualitative analysis technique that is analyzing the data inductively that is based on the facts of the phenomenon or events that are special, then taken the conclusion is general, The research results have not been realized Local Regulation No. 14 of 2002 on the implementation of registration of the population according to Information Systems Management Population. Implementation of village administration does not have a clear pattern to control the administrative order of migrant population and need revitalization of Local Regulation No.4 / 2001 on the taxpayer of the boarding house. Keyword : Implementation, Administration, Immigrant.

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