
The present research work was developed in the Sapecho Experimental Station belonging to the Faculty of Agronomy - UMSA, located 239 km from the city of La Paz, it presents an average temperature of 26 ° C with an annual rainfall of 1500 mm, the objective was to implement and evaluate the sprinkling irrigation system in the coffee crop (Coffea canephora). For the implementation of the system, the agronomic and hydraulic design was carried out that allowed the calculation of the water needs of the crop as well as the components of the system, the installation was made on a surface of 720 m2, it consists of a 2300-liter tank that works as constant load device, a 38.1 mm diameter bypass line with a length of 21 m, four laterals of 19.5 mm in diameter and 28.5 m in length each and distribution hoses of 5 mm in diameter and 2.5 m in length, it was installed to irrigate 80 coffee plants of the robusta variety. Subsequently, the operation evaluation of the irrigation system was carried out in which it was found that the Christiansen uniformity coefficient (CUC) is 83% and the distribution coefficient (CD) is equal to 76%, these results indicate that the implemented system is between good and acceptable. The evaluation on the effect of irrigation showed us that the application of optimal irrigation is positive in vegetative growth, being 30% higher in the development of the foliar area, 30.1% in number of nodes, 38.4% in length of bandola and it was reduced by 17% in the loss of fruits compared to the control.

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