
In the field of engineering, field testing and laboratory simulations are important in understanding the nonlinear behaviour of structures during strong earthquakes. Numerical simulation can be used to predict the effects of changes in systems under extreme conditions, for example serves to answer the question what would happen if …? Hence the importance of engineering students know the methods of numerical simulation, following schemes modelling, implementation, software verification and validation of methods. In this article an Interactive Simulation Laboratory (LIS) for the numerical display and validation of nonlinear oscillations and its implementation as a teaching tool in teaching Physical Fundamentals in Mechanical Engineering degree from the University of Cordoba, it is presented. The development of this tool aims to which the student of first courses were introduced in the methods of numerical simulation and how it is used, verification and validation using a simple but very complex nonlinear oscillations is the simple pendulum example and help them design environments and unpredictable contour conditions under unfavourable circumstances. For this, the LIS allows simultaneous use different numerical methods to solve the experiments studied and compare the results, initiating the students in the techniques of solving engineering problems using numerical methods and understand the influence of the chosen in the final result method. Key Words: dynamic tests, pendulum, numerical methods, oscillations, structures

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