
Since people like to post photos on social platforms as a way to share them in their daily lives, restaurants have discovered that this can be utilized as a free promotional advertisement. The restaurant began to pay attention to the decoration of the store but also forgot the importance of the product itself. The purpose of this research was to discover how to improve the Internet-famous restaurant's current situation when the satisfaction of consumers shows a downward trend. Taking TASTIEN as an example, the marketing mix theory of the 4Ps and data from other scholars' research were utilized for relevant analysis. The reason for the decline in TASTIEN's product quality was the excessive number of franchised stores. Therefore, TASTIEN should improve the detection of food ingredients and continue to innovate. Whats more, the problem of too many complaints from TATINE customers is due to poor quality of service. In this regard, TASTIEN should invest more time in training employees and improving basic behavioral qualities. Similarly, TASTIEN is not promoted well because it is overly reliant on one platform. It should try to follow the social trend, enter the market as a sponsor, and participate in more social platforms.

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