
Considering the rapid growth of data and the high informational accumulation experienced by society in recent decades, and the strong need for immediate, concise answers, observed how important it has become the use of information systems to support decision making nowadays. Given the current context, the main purpose of this academic work is to analyze the implementation and the use of an information system in the integrated planning process, monitoring and evaluation of government action taken by Jaboatao Guararapes of City Hall. The research was developed within the public administration by considering the increasingly active participation of people in decisions that are made on behalf of your country, state or city, revealing a growing importance of modernizing public administration. Several interviews were conducted with professionals working with the system and consultations with the Municipality Governance Project in an attempt to clarify the following points: detailing the system adopted by the city and their main functions; describe its implementation process; check the use of the system by the main beneficiaries actors; map their advantages and disadvantages; compare the main changes to its implementation; analyze the performance of the professional management information during the process of planning, collection, processing and dissemination of system information. The study found that, although there are some limitations or points that need improvement, Information System and Monitoring of Government Action (SIMAG), proved to be an important tool for the achievement of progress in the city.

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