
Introduction: resistances characterized the movement of humanization of childbirth. The Apice On Project was created with the goal of changing the technocratic model in obstetric and neonatal care, focusing on hospitals linked to educational institutions, and also modifying the training of future professionals. Goal: analyze the comprehension of health professionals about the implantation and implementation of Apice On in the daily life of a large-scale teaching hospital in São Paulo’s inland city. Method: qualitative approach through interviews with health professionals and Content Analysis, Thematic Mode. Results and Discussion: the following categories were revealed: “how care is carried out”, “definition of humanized care”, “definition of women's rights”, “potential for the practice of humanized care”, “challenges to the practice of humanized care”, “strategies to the practice of humanized care”, “Apice On Project” and “protocols for care”. Thus, the theme “Conception of health professionals about Apice On” was elaborated divided into three cores of meaning: “Knowledge of Apice On and identification of potentialities”; " Superficial knowledge of Apice On without identification of potentialities"; and “Lack of knowledge about Apice On”. There are challenges in the implementation of the Apice On project, evidenced by the different understandings about it. While there are advances in the practice of care, such as incorporations of practices based on scientific evidence, there are obstacles, such as resistance to the new, inappropriate infrastructure and shortage of professionals. Conclusion: there is a lack of cohesion among staff and management professionals who provide obstetric and neonatal care, reflecting on the teaching and the care itself. It is suggested to expand the investigation to management professionals and patients, utilizing the Content Analysis, Thematic Mode.

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