
Formation of innovational economy and its eventual development are the main strategic goal of a state in XXI century. While several decades ago, the most important thing was state's having natural resources, today it is necessary to develop science and implement new technologies, as the main factor of growth of leading countries of the world is not financial capital and production means but knowledge and new ideas which ensure manufacture of demanded products (1, p. 6). Innovational path provides dynamic development of a state and its competitiveness at the global stage and stimulates increase of living standards of the population. In its turn, experience of transition to innovational economy and its results are historically and economically determined and specific for each country (9, p. 44-45). Special importance belongs to the place and role of state and to main mechanisms of state regulation. As it is the state and its institutes that provide the necessary impulse and direction, as well as a possibility to use the existing resources. Still, the state does not have to replace market mechanisms and at later stages is obliged to bring its interference to the minimum, giving way to the initiative of private members of the market (4, p. 16). Regulation of economy requires a complex of measures aimed at modification of economic processes. State regulation should be applied only in the interests of the whole society and influence positively all forms of economic activities (1, p. 5). In scientific literature, there are different opinions on state's participation in formation of innovational economy: from economic dirigisme to ultra-liberal concept which leaves minimum of functions for the state. As is usual in such cases, optimal solution is somewhere in the middle (10, p. 129). It is obvious that besides execution of the management function, the state performs several significant roles in economy. First of all, it is a supplier of various state services; this sphere requires application of organizational, administrative, and technological innovations. The state is the largest consumer of goods and services, and, therefore, the process of state purchases, partially oriented at innovational goods, services, and works, created a distinctive demand for products of high-tech companies (4, p. 17). Formation and implementation of innovations into economy requires a certain regulation from the state, based on the following goals: growth of the flow of investments and their active implementation into production technologies, growth of export and manufacture of products of innovative activities with high added value (l,p.6). Another important function of the state in developed and new industrial countries is creation of favorable conditions for innovative activities of entrepreneurial sector. For realization of this function, the following measures of economic and budget policy are used: inclusion of expenses for innovational development of private sector into product's cost; write off of a large part of scientific equipment for quickened rates of amortization; use of the system of targeted tax subsidies aimed at constant growth of the volume of scientific expenses in large corporations and attraction of small and medium business to innovative activities in the sphere of new technologies; concessional lending for scientific and technical developments and equity funding of large projects, creation of institutional conditions for development of venture financing; free transition or provision on a preferential basis of state property or land for organization of innovational enterprises and creation of scientific infrastructure in regions. At that, differences between countries are expressed in terms of application of the stated documents, scales of provided subsidies, and priority of support for certain spheres. The above measures are supplemented by actions of central and local authorities for development of anti-monopoly regulation, customs policy, and protection of intellectual property rights for the purpose of stimulation of innovational activity (3, p. …

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