
The mu opioid receptor is a G-protein coupled receptor able to signal through the Gαi/o class of G-protein and β-arrestin pathways, stimulating down-stream effector pathways. Signaling bias occurs when different receptor agonists lead to different signaling outcomes. Traditionally these have been studied using end-point assays. Real-time cellular analysis platforms allow for the analysis of the holistic effects of receptor activation as an integrated output. While this allows for different ligands to be compared rapidly, the cellular mechanisms underlying the signal are not well described. Using an impedance based system, the impedance responses for two opioid ligands, morphine and DAMGO were examined.The impedance responses for these two agonists, while showing similar features, were distinct from each other. Some of the mechanisms underlying the mu opioid receptor coupled impedance changes were investigated. It was found that the response is a result of discrete cellular processes, including G-protein signaling and protein kinase phosphorylation.

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