
SummaryWe describe two range-restricted new species to science from the genus Impatiens (Balsaminaceae), both threatened, from lowland of the Cross-Sanaga Interval of western Cameroon. The first, Impatiens banen, appears to be restricted to an open seepage microhabitat on granitic inselbergs in the lowland-submontane forest zone of the Ebo Forest in Littoral Region and is provisionally assessed using the 2012 IUCN standard as Vulnerable. Sharing characters with Impatiens burtonii and I. mannii, it differs from both, and appears to be unique in Cameroon inter alia 1) in the bicolored united lateral petals, the upper petals being white, while the lower petals are an intense pink-purple, 2) the hairy, filamentous spur, purple with a white apex, is curved along its length, almost describing a circle. Inselberg-specific species are unusual in Impatiens.The second species, Impatiens etugei, of the I. macroptera aggregate, is restricted to rocks in the Mutel River of the Kom Wum Forest Reserve of North West Region and is assessed as Critically Endangered. Having similarities with I. mackeyana and I. letouzeyi, it differs from other species in the aggregate inter alia by having opposite leaves (vs always alternate), flower exterior white (vs pink or pink-purple), and in the dorsal petal having a pair of lateral projections (vs projections absent).

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