
The earliest horseradish peroxidase (HRP) neuronal labeling (the fastest retrograde transport) was determined by histochemical techniques at various intervals after intramuscular HRP injection in wobbler mice and normal littermates. In the clinically impaired forelimb system, the retrograde transport rate was 150-170 mm/day in wobbler mice and 170-230 mm/day in controls. However, there was no statistical difference between the two groups. The neuronal HRP accumulation at the early intervals was significantly less in wobbler mice than controls, suggesting that the amount of HRP transport was diminished in each axon. For the clinically intact hindlimb nerves, the rate was normal in wobbler mice, but the amount of neuronal HRP was significantly increased. Retrograde axonal transport appeared to be affected in a differential fashion, depending on the extent of disease.

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