
1. 1. The effects of subchronic methamphetamine (MAP) treatment and restraint stress on the behavioral sensitization in stereotypy (stereotypy sensitization) and cliff avoidance reaction (CAR) were examined in two inbred strains of male rats; Fischer 344/N (F344), and Lewis/N (LEW). 2. 2. In experiment 1, the animals received 4 mg/kg/day MAP for 30 days. LEW rats developed stereotypy sensitization earlier than F344 rats. However, both strains plateaued at the same stereotypy rating score. Furthermore, F344 rats were susceptible to CAR impairment as a result of MAP treatment, whereas LEW rats were not. 3. 3. In experiment 2, the animals were exposed to daily restraint stress of 2hr for 4 weeks. MAP was administered (4mg/kg) 7 days after the last treatment day. Repeated restraint stress induced almost the same degree of stereotypy sensitization in both strains. F344 rats were susceptible to CAR impairment induced by repeated stress, whereas LEW rats were not. 4. 4. The effects of psychostimulant and Stressors appear to be similar not only with respect to stereotypy sensitization but also CAR impairment. Differences in MAP- or stress-induced CAR impairment between the two inbred strains may be genetically linked and may be involved in the development of psychotic behavior.

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