
The Sahel, like most arid and semi-arid environments, is clearly a geographical area where the question of the degradation of natural resources is of concern. In this context, we have initiated a study on the socio-economic and cultural impact of the degradation of dry forest formations on the local population of Guesselbodi in Niger. The methodology mainly consisted of surveys using a participatory approach with the local population and forestry agents of the municipality of Kollo. This approach has made it possible (i) to identify the climatic risks that have a greater influence on the forest, (ii) to determine the socio-economic and cultural impacts of the effects of the degradation of dry forest formations on the local populations. The results of these investigations were able to reveal the various impacts that the local population faces such as the reduction of fauna and flora, land grabbing attempts, the dumping of incinerated toxic waste, etc. As for the adaptation strategies put in place, they are very unfortunately inadequate and contribute intensely to the degradation of the forest. The study also made it possible to make a comparison of both plant and animal species that existed in the past and today. Thus, it has been identified that 30 plant species out of the 61 initially present in the forest and 20 animal species out of the 40 initially present. This drastic decrease in the fauna and flora of the Guesselbodi forest is due not only to the destruction of their habitat but also to anthropogenic pressure.

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