
Based on the definition of potential vorticity substance (W) and its equation, an index “iPV” representing the leading mode of the surface potential vorticity circulation (PVC) over the Tibetan Plateau is defined to characterize the orographic potential vorticity (PV) forcing on the atmospheric general circulation. The relationships between the iPV index and the East Asian monsoon in July, as well as the Silk Road pattern in Eurasia, are investigated on an interannual time scale. Results show that the iPV in July is closely related to the interannual variability of the East Asian monsoon. Corresponding to the positive phase of iPV with negative (positive) PVC over the north (south) of the plateau, strong positive PV anomalies and westerly flows develop in the troposphere over the plateau. Consequently, in the downstream region, the zonal PV advection increases with height just above the Jianghuai Meiyu front, which is conducive to the generation of upward movement. Over the East Asian area, the upper troposphere is controlled by the eastward shifted South Asian High. In the lower troposphere, the southwesterly flow anomaly on the northwestern side of the strengthened western Pacific subtropical high transports abundant water vapor to the north, forming a convergence in the Jianghuai area, leading to the formation of large-scale precipitation along the Meiyu front. Results from partial correlation analysis also demonstrate that the link between the variability of the East Asian monsoon in July and the plateau PV forcing is affected very little by the Silk Road pattern, whereas the plateau PV forcing plays a key “bridging” role in the influence of the Silk Road pattern on the East Asian monsoon.

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