
Bike-sharing is recognized as a fast and efficient transport solution in cities, with zero emissions, convenience, speed of movement for short distances and beneficial effects on users’ health. In recent years, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, its use has been rather heterogeneous across countries and significant differences have emerged from empirical studies. However, there has been no systematic review of the empirical studies focused on the impacts that the COVID-19 pandemic has had on the use of bike-sharing. This article aims to review all of the papers that have been published on this topic since the outbreak of the pandemic. In this analysis, we consider several elements, such as the impacts of the pandemic on actual and potential ridership, on the demand for bike-sharing compared to other public transport means, and on commuting and non-commuting trips. We also focus on the factors that have had an impact on the change in bike-sharing usage and the related policy and operational implications that have emerged from the literature. Finally, we highlight the gaps in the literature that require further investigation.

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