
Continental East Asia has a mild Pleistocene climate and a complex recent geological history. Phylogeographic studies of animals over the last 30 years have produced several distinctive patterns. Glaciation refugia are numerous and are not restricted to any particular regions. Most of them are localized and species-specific, although several large refugia, for example the mountains of SW China, are shared by multiple species and have refugia-within-refugia. Furthermore, postglaciation range expansion events vary greatly in time, scale and direction. Large-scale south-to-north post-LGM expansions are few and mostly occurred in the northern regions. Additionally, several unique geographic features, including the three-step terrain of China and the northern arid belt, have significant impacts on many species histories. Overall, the impacts of Pleistocene glaciations, particularly the LGM, on species history vary drastically from nondetectable to significant. The impacts are the least for species from the southwestern region and are most dominant for species from the north. Geological events play a more significant role in shaping species history than Pleistocene climatic changes. Phylogeographic patterns among animals species are highly consistent with those of plants. Future phylogeographic endeavour in East Asia should be hypothesis-driven and seek processes that underlie common patterns. The wide use of genomic data allow accurate estimates of historical population processes and exploration of older history beyond the Pleistocene.

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