
The short-term reduction of air pollutant emissions is an important emergency control measure for avoiding air pollution exceedances in Chinese cities. However, the impacts of short-term emission reductions on the air qualities in southern Chinese cities in spring has not been fully explored. We analyzed the changes in air quality in Shenzhen, Guangdong before, during, and after a city-wide lockdown associated with COVID-19 control during March 14 to 20, 2022. Stable weather conditions prevailed before and during the lockdown, such that local air pollution was strongly affected by local emissions. In-situ measurements and WRF-GC simulations over the Pearl River Delta (PRD) both showed that, due to reductions in traffic emissions during the lockdown, the concentrations of nitrogen dioxide (NO2), respirable particulate matter (PM10), and fine particulate matters (PM2.5) in Shenzhen decreased by (-26±9.5)%, (-28±6.4)%, and (-20±8.2)%, respectively. However, surface ozone (O3) concentration did not change significantly[(-1.0±6.5)%]. TROPOMI satellite observations of formaldehyde and nitrogen dioxide column concentrations indicated that the ozone photochemistry in the PRD in spring 2022 was mainly controlled by the volatile organic compound (VOCs) concentrations and was not sensitive to the reduction in nitrogen oxide (NOx) concentrations. Reduction in NOx may even have increased O3, because the titration of O3 by NOx was weakened. Due to the small spatial-temporal extent of emission reductions, the air quality effects caused by this short-term urban-scale lockdown were weaker than the air quality effects across China during the widespread COVID-19 lockdown in 2020. Future air quality management in South China cities should consider the impacts of NOx emission reduction on ozone and focus on the co-reduction scenarios of NOx and VOCs.

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