
The unprecedented challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic have put human and food security at risk. Currently, the literature on its impacts and implications on the agricultural sector towards United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) is limited. This study aims to expand the existing knowledge by assessing COVID-19 impacts on sustainable agriculture value chain development in a major global hub of food supplies, Southeast Asia, particularly in the context of regional cooperation for the Association of Southeast Asia Nations (ASEAN). This study employs an empirical qualitative research design to collect primary data from 31 in-depth key-informant interviews with multilateral stakeholders. We also reviewed the latest literature for the secondary data to advance our limited knowledge in this realm. Our study provides a macro-analytical outlook of COVID-19 impacts on the agricultural sector for sustainable development in Thailand and ASEAN, using a SWOT analysis and sustainability framework (i.e., socio-economic and environmental dimensions) with SDGs mapping. Our findings address critical sustainability issues about agriculture and food value chains for food security and post-COVID-19 recovery. Our study also suggests various opportunities and policy recommendations for transformative regional sustainability strategies for sustainable agriculture to achieve the UN SDGs and a sustainable future.

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