
Cyber-Physical-Human Systems (CPHS) interconnect humans, physical plants and cyber infrastructure across space and time. Industrial processes, electromechanical systems operations and medical diagnosis are some examples where one can see the intersection of humans, physical and cyber components. Emergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) based computational models, controllers and decision support engines have improved the efficiency and cost effectiveness of such systems and processes. These CPHS typically involve a collaborative decision environment, comprising of AI-based models and human experts. Active Learning (AL) is a category of AI algorithms which aims to learn an efficient decision model by combining domain expertise of the human expert and computational capabilities of the AI model. Given the indispensable role of humans and lack of understanding about human behavior in collaborative decision environments, modeling and prediction of behavioral biases is a critical need. This paper, for the first time, introduces different behavioral biases within an AL context and investigates their impacts on the performance of AL strategies. The modelling of behavioral biases is demonstrated using experiments conducted on a real-world pancreatic cancer dataset. It is observed that classification accuracy of the decision model reduces by at least 20% in case of all the behavioral biases.

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