
The variability of Monthly maximum and minimum temperatures of 265 stations components of INMET’s Meteorological Database for Teaching and Research (BDMEP) in the last 50 years was related to variations in the Oceanic Nino Index from NOAA Climate Prediction Center by training an artificial neural network. The results showed that El Nino contributed to the increase of the maximum and minimum temperatures while the reverse occurs in La Nina events, except for the Amazon region. The impact of ENSO (El Nino-Southern Oscillation) in the country is more present in winter and spring. Some locations were chosen to demonstrate the search results: Manaus, Recife, Cuiaba, Brasilia, Sao Paulo and Porto Alegre. In La Nina years there is a decrease in air temperature in almost all regions of Brazil. The impact of ENSO in the country is more observed in winter and spring.

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