
Bandoni DH. Impacto de intervencao para promocao do consumo de frutas e hortalicas em empresas cadastradas no Programa de Alimentacao do Trabalhador / Impact of an intervention to promote consumption of fruits and vegetables in companies participating in the Worker Food Program [thesis]. Sao Paulo (BR): Faculdade de Saude Publica da Universidade de Sao Paulo; 2010. Introduction: The low consumption of fruits and vegetables is an important risk factors for several chronic diseases and obesity. In the Brazilian population the consumption of these foods is traditionally lower of international recommendations. In this context, the workplace environment is considered to promote healthy food, comprising large portion of the adult population. Objective: To evaluate the impact of an intervention to increase the availability and consumption of fruits and vegetables in companies participating in the Worker Food Program. Methods: It was a randomized intervention involving a sample of 29 companies divided in two groups: intervention (n=15) and control (n=14). A sample of workers in all companies participating in the study was evaluated in order to assess the effects of intervention on the consumption of fruits and vegetables. The intervention was based on the ecological model of health promotion, with 4 different stages for 6 months. Data collection occurred in two stages, before the intervention and after intervention. The effect of the intervention was investigated using two indicators: the availability in grams of fruit and vegetables in meals served in companies and consumption in grams of food by employees. Secondarily, the impact of intervention on the availability of energy, macronutrients and fiber in meals was assessed. It was made a comparison between the intervention and control groups and intra-group comparison before and after intervention to evaluate the effect of intervention on the availability of food and nutrients in meals. For the consumption of workers we used linear regression analysis to evaluate the change in consumption in the intervention group after the intervention. Results: The availability of fruits and vegetables in the meals offered by companies in the intervention group increased about +49g, while no changes in the control group. Also, it was observed positive effects on the availability of fiber and fat reduction in meals. The intervention also increased fruits and vegetables consumption among workers, the mean increase was 11g, after adjusting for sociodemographic variables of workers. Conclusion: The intervention has presented a positive impact on the availability and consumption of fruits and vegetables in the workplace.

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