
This article investigates the impact of the process of convergence to international accounting standards in Brazil on the informational content of accounting, focused on the changes in the main accounting and financial ratios and on the relevance of accounting information. For this purpose, we analyzed publicly traded nonfinancial companies, considering information for 2009, disclosed at the start of 2010 (BRGAAP – partial IFRS) and for the same year, disclosed at the start of 2011 (full IFRS). The purpose of analyzing the data for 2009 was to isolate any other influence found in the accounting statements that did not come from the alteration in accounting standards. The results indicate that the indicators Indebtedness (DEBT), Asset Turnover (AT), Gross Margin (GM), Operating Cash Flow over Total Assets (OPCFA) and Operating Cash Flow over Stockholders’ Equity (OPCFE) are lower in the financial statements prepared according to full IFRS. Analysis of the informational capacity of Net Income by means of regression allowed detecting that Net Income has higher explanatory power of the behavior of stock prices under full IFRS. With respect to the informational content of Stockholders’ Equity, the results indicate no significant change in explanatory power on the behavior of stock prices.

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