
Canine maxillary teeth are aesthetically most dominant teeth which can present a smile as either holy or evi. They define the mouth’s corner, are involved in the aesthetic smile, maintain occlusal stability, and design the shape of the dental arch. As the position of the impacted canines is amidst vital anatomical structures like the nasal cavity and sinuses in the maxilla and mental nerve in the mandible, a thorough radiographic evaluation to determine the position of the impacted canines is of utmost importance prior to any treatment planning. By using a radiographic image, a clinician can clearly identify its location. The present paper aimed to determine the prevalence, etiology, and clinical diagnosis of impacted maxillary canines in orthodontic patients. Keywords: Canine impaction, Etiology, Inspection, Palpation, Radiographs, CT, CBCT, Transtomography

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