
We report on a patient with left-sided abdominal pain thought to be caused by recurring diverticulitis. Computed tomography of the sigmoid colon revealed diverticulosis without the presence of a foreign body. During colonoscopy, a phytobezoar in the form of a vegetable stem was discovered transversely impacted within two diverticular openings in the lumen of the sigmoid colon. A localized inflammatory reaction was present without obstruction or perforation. After endoscopic removal of the phytobezoar, the abdominal pain resolved. The patient's presumed diverticulitis was an inflammatory reaction caused by the phytobezoar. This case highlights the importance of early detection and endoscopic removal of a colonic foreign body to prevent abscess formation, fistulas, obstruction, perforation, or peritonitis. Foreign bodies masquerading as colonic diverticulitis should be considered in the absence of more common diseases.

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