
Tiktok is a site that is frequently used by the general public for information, entertainment, and a source of talent and talent. Various types of content continue to be created, one of which is beauty vlogger content which is very popular among women. The purpose of this study is to find out how the effects of beauty shows are vloggers on the Tiktok site for imitating or imitating behavior and how big the effect it is for students majoring in Communication Studies class of 2020 at the State Islamic University of North Sumatra. The type of research being carried out was descriptive qualitative using observation and interview techniques with several students majoring in preaching dan communication science class of 2020 at the State Islamic University of North Sumatra. The results of this study indicate that beauty vloggers on the Tiktok site have the same effect on informants, namely a pleasant effect on the information they get, entertain them, and get self-satisfaction with the beauty shows they see. They generate imitation behavior in the form of plagiarizing makeup tutorial videos, recommending videos they watch to others and buying the same products.

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