
Impact performance measurement activities use the SROI method (Social Return On Investment) in the Jagapati Mangrove Conservation Program (SIMANJA) PT. Pertamina Patra Niaga Integrated Terminal Cilacap is an approach to understanding and managing impacts on social values (social value), economics, and the environment created by an activity or organization. The measurement process is based on cost-benefit analysis, social accounting, and social audit. Through the SROI study, it is hoped that it can help companies understand and manage the benefits of social, environmental and economic values that impact the implementation of CSR programs. The result of the SROI analysis is a ratio that shows the relationship between investment costs and the resulting impact value. The evaluative type SROI calculation carried out in the 2019-2022 time period has a value of 8.13. This means that for every Rp. 1 invested, will have an impact of Rp. 8.13 rupiah. With a ratio above 8, this shows that this program can be said to be good. The greatest value comes from the environment, where natural improvement factors are very dominant in this program.

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