
In the public sector, today work motivation for its collaborators is a great challenge, taking into account to achieve the development of the objectives it is extremely important that as a public entity they have the appropriate good work environment, so that the human capital feels motivated. committed because they are the pillars of the institution. The current governments are under pressure to continue with the austerity policy, that is, to continue with a policy of reducing public spending, and this results in the freezing of salaries, workers with more than one year of service as service providers, increase in workload, lack of training, and also the demotivation of collaborators. The objective of the research work is to resolve the impact of the work motivation of the service advisors of a public institution in Lima Norte, 2023. The research methodology had a qualitative approach, with a non-experimental design, the research method was a study of case. We worked with 6 collaborators from public institutions, using the interview technique and the instrument of 9 open questions. As general consequences, which we obtained from the responses, the lack and importance of work motivation in the public sector is evident, the lack of monetary and non-monetary recognition, lack of leadership, lack of training, lack of tools to meet goals or objectives, etc. Likewise, the degree of importance of work motivation for employees of public institutions was concluded, because they are responsible for the quality of care and satisfaction for citizens who carry out procedures in different offices nationwide, for which their workforce must be reinforced. (Training, recognition, benefits, etc.), previously understanding the values and reason for being of public institutions and strengthening appropriate and achievable decisions.

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