
It has been established that climate change has a direct impact on water availability, an essential resource for agricultural development. As a result, controlling, mitigating, and adapting to water deficit requires the advancement of research on promising wild flora species. As recent studies have shown, wild relatives of certain cultivars are tolerant to adverse factors, enabling the development of sustainable and resilient agriculture. The present study evaluated the morpho-physiology and productivity of tomato scions grafted on wild Solanaceae (Datura stramonium, Solanum sisymbriifolium, Solanum quitoense, and Cyphomandra betacea) grown under water deficit conditions (100% ETc - high level, 75% ETc - moderate level, 50% ETc - medium level, and 25% ETc - low level). The results showed that tomato plants grafted on Datura stramonium rootstocks performed better morpho-physiologically under deficit irrigation. The improved osmoregulation caused by a higher relative water content (98.49%) allowed the scion to be more tolerant to water stress. In addition, these scions showed high water potential during their phenological stages (vegetative −0.47 MPa, flowering −0.59 MPa, and production −0.64 MPa), as well as improved photosynthetic efficiency. The overall tolerance of the scion resulted in better yield (8.14 kg/plant) with higher number of commercially valuable fruits. The D. stramonium rootstock allowed better management and use of irrigation water, increasing productivity (54.95 kg/m3); that is, it is presented as a species with potential for establishing tomato production areas in scenarios of water scarcity or cultivation under deficit irrigation.

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