
Efficient productivity of labour in construction industry can play a vital role in increasing the benefits to the stakeholders and contactors. Greater efficiency helps achieve high cost savings with minimal investment. By the fact of having smaller profit margins on construction projects, cost savings associated with productivity are important in becoming a successful contractor. Productivity is measured as total output per worker or total output per labour-hour. Productivity increases when output is constant and input is reduced or input is constant and quantity or quality of output has been increased. Major setback in improving labour productivity is measuring labour productivity. Therefore main objective of this study is, assigning a weight of importance to each of the factors affecting productivity. A list of the factors affecting productivity is compiled and final top twelve factors are considered for the questionnaire survey. A survey consisting of the twelve factors and explanation of each was sent to contractors in Pune region which consist of industries that have boom in construction. In which they were asked to apply a weight to each of the factors totalling 100% delphi method is used to analyze those results. These weights will be used in a study which will help to create a tool for contractor’s to improve the productivity of their projects in the preplanning stage and plan improvements in the most affecting areas. This productivity tool will be created by breaking down each factor and making them into a list of activities. The project manager will then assign a value to each of the activity representing their performance on their current project in achieving that particular activity. The total of each factor is then multiplied by its respective weight. Finally the outcome of the tool will give a breakdown of areas for improvement along with values that allow for project managers to focus on the most affecting areas resulting in the improvement of productivity.

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