
Urbanization in India is more rapid around the major cities in India.Increase in industrial activities, population both endemic and floatingand vehicular population etc. have led to a number of environmentalproblems,oneofthembeingairpollution.Variouscontaminantscontinuouslyentertheatmospherethroughnaturalandman-madeprocessesandthesecontaminantsinteractwiththeenvironmenttocausedisease,toxicity,environmentaldecayandarelabeledaspollutant. Air Pollutants means any solid, liquid or gaseous substance(including noise) present in the atmosphere in such concentration asmay be or tend to be injurious to human beings or other living creaturesorplants orproperty orenvironment.Urban pollution refers to thepresence or introduction of hazardous or harmful substances in citiesand urban regions, Natural sources may contribute to urban pollution,but human-related emissions are by far the worst. Due to the localconcentration of people and human activity, anthropogenic sources ofpollution, such as factories, industries, transportation, and so forth, arefrequentlymade worse in cities. Serious attention should be given tothe need for improving urban strategies, which promote efficiency inresourceuse.Thepresentstudyanalysisresultstherelationshipbetween the levels of urbanization and the percentage of air pollution inselected area of Chennai. This paper tries to assess the forecasting of airquality and human health due to air pollution loads and human healthimpacts on major road networks of Greater Chennai. The aim of thestudy focuses on objectives to environment in Chennai city to estimatethe problems of air pollution environment in Challenge in Chennai cityandsuggesthealthcostofvehicularpollutionandtosuggesttheGovernment measure to control air pollution in environment Chennaicity.

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