
The international research program “ReNovRisk-CYCLONE” (RNR-CYC, 2017–2021) directly involves 20 partners from 5 countries of the south-west Indian-Ocean. It aims at improving the observation and modelling of tropical cyclones in the south-west Indian Ocean, as well as to foster regional cooperation and improve public policies adapted to present and future tropical cyclones risk in this cyclonic basin. This paper describes the structure and main objectives of this ambitious research project, with emphasis on its observing components, which allowed integrating numbers of innovative atmospheric and oceanic observations (sea-turtle borne and seismic data, unmanned airborne system, ocean gliders), as well as combining standard and original methods (radiosoundings and global navigation satellite system (GNSS) atmospheric soundings, seismic and in-situ swell sampling, drone and satellite imaging) to support research on tropical cyclones from the local to the basin-scale.


  • Due to their highly destructive potential, tropical cyclones (TCs) have long been considered a major risk for populations, territorial economies, and biodiversity

  • The latter are bordered by coral reefs that can serve as a defense One of thaegmainaisnt floobojedcitnivge.sTohfeRseNrRe-eCf YsyCstiesmtos,apsasertsiscuthlaerilmy fprainctgionfgtrroepeficsa, lpcroytceloctntehse coastline by on land, incluadcitnigngpaosssliobwle-psuasbsmfielrtseirosnthraetsucaltninrgedfruocme tchyecleonneircgsywoefllwsauvregefloawlosngrecaocahsitn-g the coast by lines

  • Its mesoscale modelling and climate components, presented in more detail in the companion paper [33], allowed for the development of innovative modelling systems, while its outreach component significantly increased regional collaboration between SWIO countries affected by TC hazards

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Due to their highly destructive potential, tropical cyclones (TCs) have long been considered a major risk for populations, territorial economies, and biodiversity. HHeeaavvyy rraaiinnss aassssoocciiaatteedd wwiitthh TTCC DDIINNEEOO ((22001177)) hhaavvee ccaauusseedd 770000,,000000 rreeffuuggeeeess aanndd tteennss ooff mmiilllliioonnss ooff UUSSDD ooff ddaammaaggee iinn MMoozzaammbbiiqquuee,, wwhhiilleetthheeoovveerraallllccoossttooffTTCCss EENNAAWWOO((22001177))aanndd AAVVAA(2(2001188)),,wwhhicichhaafffeecctteeddnneeaarrllyyoonnee mmiilllliioonn ppeeooppllee iinn MMaaddaaggaassccaarr,,wwaasseessttiimmaatteeddttoobbeemmoorreetthhaannUUSSDD 660000 mmiillliioonn ((aabboouutt 77%% ooffMMaaddaaggaassccaarr’’ss aavveerraaggee annnnuuaall groossss ddoommeessttiicc pprroodduucctt)). These heavy tolls are, ,, oouutt ooff aallll pprrooppoorrttiioonn ttoo tthhoosseeooff TTCCssIIDDAAÏÏ((ccoonnssiiddeerreeddbbyytthheeUUnniitteeddNNaattiioonnssaasstthheewwoorrsstt nnaattuurraall ddiissaasstteerr eevveerr iinn tthhee MMCC)) aanndd KKEENNNNEETTHH S3ecptrieosnen3tps rtehseenmtsajtohreamchaijeovreamchenietvs eomf eRnNtsRo-Cf YRCNRre-gCaYrCdinregogcaeradninicgaoncdeaantimc oasnpdhaetrmicoosbpsheerrviactoiobnsse,rwvahtiiloenSs,ecwtihoinle4Secoctnioclnud4ecsonanclduddeisscaunsdseds insceuwssreessneeawrcrhestoeparicchs ttoopbiecsintvoebsetiginavteedstibgeaytoedndbethyeonedndthoef ethnids opfrothgirsapmr.ogram

SSttrruuccttuurree aanndd OObbjjeeccttiives of RNR-CYC
Modelling Component
Climate Component
Regional Cooperation
Oceanic Observations
Ground-Based Swell Observations
UAS Observations
GNSS Observations
Conclusions and Perspectives
Full Text
Paper version not known

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