
This comprehensive study investigates the dynamic landscape of Human Resources (HR) governance in modern organizations, particularly in the context of diverse industries in Pakistan. Executives specializing in internal communications and HR were interviewed to glean insights into the evolving role of HR and its intersection with effective internal communication strategies. The research employed a qualitative approach, conducting in-depth interviews either face-to-face or via telephone, recording and transcribing the conversations. The participating executives, selected through a snowball technique, provided diverse perspectives from financial services, utilities, retailing, and more. The study employed cluster analysis to code interview data, identify key themes, and visualize patterns using a mindmap. The findings illuminate the heightened significance of employee engagement, the strategic management of organizational reputation, trust-building through dialogue, ownership of communication channels, and the enduring value of face-to-face communication in shaping contemporary HR practices. While the study acknowledges its limitations in sample size, it lays the groundwork for future research directions and contributes valuable insights to the evolving landscape of HR governance in the Pakistani organizational context.

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