
The study reports the results of impact of training on Learners' performance with reference to the training programs conducted at the International Agricultural Research Institute. Hyderabad.The sixindependent variablesApplication of Training, Job knowledge Enhancement, Analytical Tools, Resources, Motivation, New Competencies with one dependent variable Learners' improved Performance based on the knowledge gained from the training measured. The institute conducts in-house training programs on application of advanced crop improvement methods twice a year for the benefit of the researchers in India and some Sub- Saharan African countries working in the area of agricultural research in general and crop improvement in particular.The data was collected using a post-training survey of 200 trainee participants including 60 women and 140 men, from eight such training courses spread over three years to assess the training program impact on Learners' performance. The evaluation was done measuring the effect of the six above said independent variables of the training programs on the dependent variable performance. The descriptive analysis, correlationtechniques, inferential statistics, and multiple regression analysiswere applied to arrive atconclusions. To measure the reliability of thescale used for this study, and internal consistencies of the survey questionnaire, the reliabilitystatistics Cronbach's alpha and Spearman-Brown split-half reliability were used. The overall Cronbach alpha is 0.81 whereas Spearman-Brown static was 0.75and the Cronbach alpha value ranged from 0.64 to 0.71and Spearman Brown-Split Half reliability varied from 0.61 to 0.75 for all the 6independent and one dependent variable. The study concluded that the training impacts on Learner's performance positively and it also depends on the application of the learned techniques into regular use in their job assignments and regular work. Training evaluation is a vital aspect of any sort of training and its effect on the person in performing his/her job assignments more efficiently. Feedback is essential for the training organizers to know how they are progressing, also is crucial to the learner's confidence too. People's commitment to learning relies heavily on confidence and a belief that the learning is achievable, the way that training assessments are designed and delivered, and results presented back to the learners. Training evaluation is the systematic assessment of the worth or merit of some object or aim and the act of judging whether or not the activity to be evaluated is worthwhile in terms of set criteria.The rapid advancement in science, modernization of science and technological changes envisaged agricultural research sector to look for new methods of training in the area of crop improvement (1). This is essential to change the dimensions of the training needs to cope up with those changes and to keep with the pace of rapid science development. There were very limited work has been reported on addressing the impact of training in the area of agricultural research using modern techniques. This study focussed on evaluating the impact of training program using six independent variables and its impact Learner's performance using post-training survey. Training program evaluation is must for all training programs as the evaluation tools and methodologies help to determine the training program effectiveness and instructional interventions. Though the training evaluation is important, there is evidence that evaluations of training programs are often inconsistent or missing (2)-(5). The main reasons for inadequate evaluations include: insufficient budget allocated; insufficient time allocated; lack of expertise; blind trust in training solutions; or lack of methods and tools (6).The evaluation of training is complex and involve several complex factors to measure the training interventions in respect of learning, transfer, and organizational impact. These factors are associated with the dynamic and rapid changes in technology knowhow and compelled the organizations like international agricultural research institute to envisage frequent changes in the structure, instructional methods and content of the trainings they

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