
LANGUAGE NOTE | Document text in English; abstract also in Chinese.Nothing has had as much of an impact in the history of public education as Title IX of the Education Amendment of 1972. The increase in the popularity of collegiate sports, especially the revenue sports (football, basketball), has made Title IX and Athletics a hot topic. However, many members of the Title IX generations do not have a clear picture or fully understand the true meaning behind Title IX. This paper tries to close this gap by explaining the relationship between Title IX and Athletics in a timeline format: the birth of Title IX in 1972; Title IX and Athletics in the 1970s; Policy Interpretation and the three-part compliance test applied by H.E.W. to intercollegiate athletic in 1979; three important court cases in the 1990s; and the current progress of Title IX in Athletics.1972年頒布的敎育修正法案第IX條款在公共敎育方面的影響是無法比擬的。隨著學院運動項目的越來越普及,尤其是有收益的學院運動項目如美式足球、籃球,使第IX條款成為體育運動的熱門話題。然而在第IX條款頒布後出生的新一代成員中很多人並沒有充分認識和理解其背后的真正意義。這篇文章旨在彌補這種代溝,通過以時間發展線索來解釋第IX條款和體育運動的關係,揭示第IX條款的內涵,給人們清晰畫面。內容包括:第IX條款的誕生;二十世紀七十年代的體育運動和第IX條款的關係;政策的解釋和1979年H.E.W應用在學院體育運動中的三個部分的測試;九十年代三個重要的法庭案例;以及第IX條款在目前體育運動方面的發展和前景。

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