
The investigation entitled, “Impact of Tillage on Growth, Productivity and Economics of Soybean Grown in Vertisols of Western Madhya Pradesh, India’’ was conducted during the kharif season of the year 2019-20 in the Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, R.V.S.K.V.V., College of Agriculture, Indore. The objective of the experiment was to study the effect of tillage practices on the growth and productivity of soybean and to evaluate the effect of tillage on the economics and energy use efficiency of soybean. The experiment conducted in randomized block design and replicated five times. There were four treatments T1-Sub Soiling (SS) + Sowing by precision seed drill, T2- Tillage by Cultivator twice (CT), T3- Deep Tillage by M.B. plough (DT) and T4- Reduced Tillage + Crop Residues (RT+CR 30 % of previous crop). The results indicated that T1-Sub Soiling (SS) treatment was recorded maximum value of growth parameters, yield attributes ,seed yield, test weight, seed weight plant-1, Nodules Weight per plant, net returns and B:C which was statistically at par with treatment T2 Cultivator twice (CT). The overall conclusion drawn from the study is that due to continuous mechanization and use of heavy machinery a compact layer was observed in Vertisols at 20-30 cm soil depth which restricts root growth, reduces infiltration rate, thereby, causes water logging during rainy season. The poor soil aeration results in reduction in soybean productivity in Madhya Pradesh.

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