
First carpometacarpal (CMC1) joint osteoarthritis (OA) is typically understood as part of the disease entity of hand OA. However, CMC1 joint OA often occurs in isolation or is a primary source of symptoms. The aim of the current study was to explore the experiences of New Zealanders with CMC1 joint OA to better understand the unique impact of this condition, ascertain outcomes of importance, and identify treatment targets. In this pragmatic qualitative study, patients who either reported a history suggestive of CMC1 joint OA or had been diagnosed by a physician were recruited from health and community settings in 2 centers on the South Island of New Zealand. Thirty participants (11 men and 19 women, mean ± SD age 65.4 ± 11.36 years) took part in individual face-to-face interviews and kept diaries. The interviews were audio recorded, and along with the diaries, transcribed. Data were analyzed by thematic analysis using a primarily inductive approach. The Health Impact Model was employed to help with interpretation of the results. Five interrelated levels of health impact were identified: symptom status, functional limitations, restrictions in social activities and roles, negative thoughts and feelings, and an altered sense of self. Constant pain and pain at night were key symptoms that were associated with impact at the other levels. Constant pain, pain at night, functional capacity, medication burden, emotional impact, and sense of self are important outcomes and treatment targets in people with CMC1 joint OA.

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