
This study was carried out during 2021 growing season at the private rain-fed irrigated system vineyard on two cultivars of grapevine (Rashmiree and White Sadany) and chosen vines were 20 years old, and trained by head system a field experiment was located Shar-Bazher at Wazha village, Sulaimani Governorate, Kurdistan Region, Iraq, to investigate the impact of three different pollinators (Taify, Doshawy, and Trerash) as pollinators (pollen donors) and the control (self-pollination) vines provided no yield on some vegetative growth, yield and chemical characteristics of two grape cultivars. The effect of cultivars, Rashmiree obtained significant influence in (bunch weight, width, weight of 100 berries, and volume of 100 berries) characters, but Sadany gave only in maximum bunch width, in other properties there were nonsignificant differences between cultivars. The Bunch weight, Bunch length, bunch width, and the number of berries per bunch were high significant when Rashmiree cultivar pollinate with Trerash pollinator. While the T.S.S%, Total sugar, lowest in TA% and seeds per berry were high significant when Sadany cultivar pollinate with Trerash pollinator. Rashmiree cultivar gave high significant in TA%, and minimum in T.S.S%, total sugar, and number of seeds per berry when pollinated with Taify pollinator.

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