
This study aimed at identifying the scope of the influence of the quality of banking services for the plastic, electronic, magnetic cards on customer's satisfaction and his future-purchasing behaviour. To achieve the objectives of the present paper, the researcher conducted a field study on a number of Jordanian commercial acting Banks in Amman. The study concluded that there is an incorporeal relationship between the quality of the plastic, Electronic magnetic cards with domains of confidentiality, quick-responses, and competence and customer's level of satisfaction, where the coefficient variable scored 0.63. Also, the study concluded that there is another incorporeal relationship between the quality of the plastic, Electronic magnetic cards with domains of confidentiality, quick-responses, and competence and the customer's future purchasing behavior with a coefficient variable of 0.52. Eventually, the study had a set of recommendations. These are: The necessity to conduct more related studies in the future, especially those related to the concept of taking customers into consideration, which is based on studying the financial and credit-card needs and desires in a way these desires and needs could be achieved, thus urging customers to adopt these services in the future.

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