
Until the development of single cell gel electrophoresis methods in the 1980s, measurement of radiation-induced DNA strand breaks in individual cells was limited to detection of micronuclei or chromosome breaks that measured the combined effects of exposure and repair. Development of methods to measure the extent of migration of DNA from single cells permitted detection of initial radiation-induced DNA breaks present in each cell. As cells need not be radiolabeled, there were new opportunities for analysis of radiation effects on cells from virtually any tissue, provided a single cell suspension could be prepared. The comet assay (as this method was subsequently named) was able to measure, for the first time, the fraction of radiobiologically hypoxic cells in mouse and human tumors. It was used to determine that the rate of rejoining of DNA breaks was relatively homogenous within an irradiated population of cells. Because individual cells were analyzed, heavily damaged or apoptotic cells could be identified and eliminated from analysis to determine "true" DNA strand break rejoining rates. Other examples of applications of the comet assay in radiobiology research include analysis of the inter-individual differences in response to radiation, effect of hypoxia modifying agents on tumor hypoxic fraction, the role of cell cycle position during DNA break induction and rejoining, non-targeted effects on bystander cells, and effects of charged particles on DNA fragmentation patterns.

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