
On September 4, 2010 a major earthquake caused widespread damage, but no loss of life, to Christchurch city and surrounding areas. There were numerous aftershocks, including on February 22, 2011 which, in contrast, caused substantial loss of life and major damage to the city. The research aim was to assess how these two earthquakes affected the staff in the General Medicine Department at Christchurch Hospital. Problem To date there have been no published data assessing the impact of this type of natural disaster on hospital staff in Australasia. A questionnaire that examined seven domains (demographics, personal impact, psychological impact, emotional impact, impact on care for patients, work impact, and coping strategies) was handed out to General Medicine staff and students nine days after the September 2010 earthquake and 14 days after the February 2011 earthquake. Response rates were ≥ 99%. Sixty percent of responders were <30 years of age, and approximately 60% were female. Families of eight percent and 35% had to move to another place due to the September and February earthquakes, respectively. A fifth to a third of people had to find an alternative route of transport to get to work but only eight percent to 18% took time off work. Financial impact was more severe following the February earthquake, with 46% reporting damage of >NZ $1,000, compared with 15% following the September earthquake (P < .001). Significantly more people felt upset about the situation following the February earthquake than the September earthquake (42% vs 69%, P < .001). Almost a quarter thought that quality of patient care was affected in some way following the September earthquake but this rose to 53% after the February earthquake (12/53 vs 45/85, P < .001). Half believed that discharges were delayed following the September earthquake but this dropped significantly to 15% following the February earthquake (27/53 vs 13/62, P < .001). This survey provides a measure of the result of two major but contrasting Christchurch earthquakes upon General Medicine hospital staff. The effect was widespread with minor financial impact during the first but much more during the second earthquake. Moderate psychological impact was experienced in both earthquakes. This data may be useful to help prepare plans for future natural disasters. .

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