
Currently, the management of many Ukrainian companies is faced with the problem of generational change in company's personnel structure, while it is important to take into account the impact of the war in Ukraine, which affects the psychological state of a company's personnel. Therefore, the management of companies faces the problem of creating a comfortable psychological climate and adapting the organizational culture to new realities and a new staff composition. Thus, the generation of baby boomers is gradually retiring due to age, and the generation of millennials is increasingly joining the workforce of Ukrainian companies, and generation Z is also actively beginning to grow and mature. Such changes in the composition of company personnel lead to the need to adapt the organizational culture of companies to the values that are important for representatives of these generations. People of the same generation are united by an economic or social context. Each generation has its own formed system of priorities and personal views of life, developed under the influence of many environmental factors of the era, and the change of these values is repeated periodically.

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